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It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated

by Rev. Dr. Ben Haupt Recently I was talking to a former seminary student of mine who is now a pastor. After we talked about the latest with his family, I asked him how ministry was going. He began trying to tell me about all the things going on at his congregation,...
Where Leadership Development Happens

Where Leadership Development Happens

Every church leader needs mentors, coaches, guides to flourish. (For short, we’ll call them mentors.) Remember this? Think of “3” as spiritual apathy and distrusting of church leaders. Think that your leadership task gets increasingly difficult with every widely...
5 Killers of Courage

5 Killers of Courage

There are 5 things that will kill courage that any leader, woman or man, needs to know and confront. They’re embedded in who we are. (And they’re adapted from Heifetz, Grashow and Linsky’s book The Practice of Adaptive Leadership.) Do any of these resonate with you?...