+1 615-988-0784 info@plileadership.org
In Community

In Community

As leaders we are supposed to have the answers. Right? But the world is ever-changing and this leaves us feeling off-balance. Uncertain. It takes courage and skill to step out and move into the unknown. Over the last few weeks, we have revisited a series of blogs we...
Looking to the Future of PLI

Looking to the Future of PLI

Dear PLI Family, Next week, Ben Haupt joins the PLI team as its next executive leader! Ben and I will have two months together before I retire from PLI on August 31 and begin to explore what comes next. It will be a busy two months for Ben and for me! Ben is going to...
Leaders Go First

Leaders Go First

As leaders we are supposed to have the answers. Right? But the world is ever-changing and this leaves us feeling off-balance. Uncertain. It takes courage and skill to step out and move into the unknown. Over the next few weeks, we would like to revisit a series of...
Listen Well

Listen Well

As leaders we are supposed to have the answers. Right? But the world is ever-changing and this leaves us feeling off-balance. Uncertain. It takes courage and skill to step out and move into the unknown. Over the next few weeks, we would like to revisit a series of...
Adaptive Leaders Dig Deep

Adaptive Leaders Dig Deep

As leaders we are supposed to have the answers. Right? But the world is ever-changing and this leaves us feeling off-balance. Uncertain. It takes courage and skill to step out and move into the unknown. Over the next few weeks, we would like to revisit a series of...