Meet Kristi & Terry Baughman

Published: October 29, 2024

The PLI Experience™: Stories from the PLI Family

Kristi and Rev. Terry Baughman are currently participating in Leadership Essentials. They live in Lake Orion, Michigan, where Terry is pastor at Crown of Life Lutheran Church and Preschool and Kristi is principal at Lutheran High School Northwest. In her free time, Kristi enjoys traveling, crafting, and baking. Terry officiates girls’ and boys’ high school volleyball and club volleyball. They have three adult children.

What made you decide to do PLI? 

We have always been told how amazing PLI is. When we started to talk about attending, we reached out to other pastors who had previously gone through PLI. Hearing how PLI impacted their ministry, not only in individual contexts but also in their marriages, had a meaningful impact on our decision. After listening to these discussions and spending time in prayer, it was evident that we should take the PLI journey.

How did your PLI experience shape you as a follower of Jesus?

The PLI experience has helped give clarity in our walk with Jesus through the struggles that we face in our ministry, family and marriage in our day-to-day life. Leadership Essentials has redirected our focus for time to slow down and truly be in the presence of God and to truly celebrate the stresses.

How did your PLI experience shape you as a leader?

Terry: I’ve always been told that I’m a leader, but Leadership Essentials has given me clarity that leadership does not always require action. So many times, effective leadership is in the quiet and in the listening (words/ actions/ emotions). PLI has completely changed how I do ministry within my congregation. It kindled a newfound excitement to not just change, but to move forward, knowing that vision to augment mission will edify and glorify His kingdom. 

Kristi: I never really saw myself as a leader even though I was a teacher before PLI. My time in PLI gave me a confidence that is near impossible to explain. It is like all the puzzle pieces of my life have been put together into a masterpiece by God through PLI. I now serve as a principal who is focused on the mission of God even through the valleys. My times in immersions and coaching huddles have filled my toolbox with tools that I use on a daily basis. 

How have you benefited from PLI as a couple?

There has been a lot of joy in PLI for both of us. We have been on a long journey through our ministry years together. PLI has given us intentional time and structure to process all that we have been through and where God has used those times to teach and mold us for Him. Our discussions are deeper, and we are leaning on each other more and more in our ministries as husband and wife and ministry partners.

What is a take-away from your time in PLI that has stayed with you?

So many experiences in ministry affect the heart of a leader—negative comments or actions, people leaving the church or transferring away. The walk through PLI has given us clarity that there are struggles, but within the struggles, we look for Jesus. He is always there and always walking with us even if we feel the weight of the church. Staying true to His Word and true to the church’s mission will always bring joy, even if it feels like a long road ahead. There is so much joy in living Jesus in all things. It may not always be the popular view or easy road, but when it is about His Kingdom and glory, it is always blessed.

A take-away is that God has given us gifts for His purpose. We don’t need to try to lead like someone else. We need to be true to how God has gifted us and know that He is walking with us at all times.

Share a story of a hope-filled outcome of reaching out into your local context and community. Where do you see God at work?

Terry: After the second immersion a gentleman of my congregation came up to me with a very serious look on his face. We had just finished Bible study looking at 1 Corinthians 11 and a lengthy discussion on modeling ourselves after Christ, being an imitator of Christ. This gentleman followed me to my office and then knocked on my door. “Pastor, you were such an example of Jesus before, but there is something different about you now. I don’t know what it is, but I can see Jesus’ presence in you.” I’ve been told I have good sermons or can articulate a certain topic in a good way. I’ve been told that I am caring and loving, that I show humility and concern. But I’ve never been told that someone could see the very presence of Jesus in me. Thank you, Jesus, for filling me with Your presence and allowing me to live You. What joy! What an honor and blessing to be the hands and feet, eyes, ears, and mouth of Jesus!

Kristi: When we started PLI, I was ready to plan out my leaving the ministry. I was very unsettled in my ministry position and feeling empty. As God worked in my heart through PLI, I ended up listening closely to Him and am now serving as a principal. I completely love my ministry position now and am focused on the mission of God.

What is God teaching you right now?

Terry: The walk is worth it. It is not always easy, but when you can articulate and be honest of the vision within the mission, you find people will listen, ask questions, and walk with you.

Kristi: God is teaching me to find rest while still serving Him. My huddle coaching and my spouse are holding me accountable to this. I am learning that if I don’t take time for myself, I have nothing left to serve from. 

What would you say to someone considering PLI?

It is so worth it. The PLI process is completely transformational. The knowledge, the skills, the relationships, the community, the application of the Word…it transforms you in your ministry. It is ministry and life changing. 

1 Comment

  1. Michael Borgstede

    Thank you Kristi and Terry for sharing and I have enjoyed growing with you in our shared huddle time and when together in Immersion!


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Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

If you are in that place—a lot of balls in the air and feeling a bit unclear about what to prioritize and do for the sake of the mission of God right where you’re at—consider joining us for PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community! 

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