PLI’s Work in Latin America

Published: January 7, 2025

PLI is all about training and developing multiplying missionary leaders all over the world! We serve six regions: Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, USA/Canada, and Western Europe.

We believe God is raising up pastors and leaders for His church across the world. God has promised to do this and is answering the prayers of His people. These pastors and leaders yearn to effectively lead God’s people, to bring people together to work in unity to make disciples and start evangelistic communities for the sake of fulfilling God’s mission. And they need leadership Learning Communities and fellow, experienced Christian leaders who are willing to come alongside them and their spouses. They need to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered in their missional leadership development.

This is why we provide the training we do. We believe that through PLI’s training and an equipped and transformed pastor or key leader, baptized believers can be released into and empowered for their participation in the Mission of God, together!

Let’s take a look at PLI’s work in Latin America.

map of PLI's Latin America Region

The Latin America region is under the direction of our Latin America Development Leader, Rev. Rony Marquardt. Rony was a participant in PLI from 2008 to 2012. Since 2013, he has provided leadership and introduced the PLI movement in Brazil and throughout Lutheran Churches in Latin America. He has been a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil (IELB) since 1984 and was General Secretary and Vice-President of Theological Education on IELB’s National Board. He currently lives with his wife Anica in Portugal, where he serves as a pastor in addition to his role with PLI.

PLI trains in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The last country PLI added was Mexico in 2023.

PLI group in Mexico, September 2024

In November of 2024, PLI began training four couples from Argentina and two couples from Paraguay to be Local Trainers. These couples have gone through the four years of the PLI training as participants. They have incorporated the training into their own lives and ministries, and are now going through the four years of materials again, one year at a time, in order to be taught how to teach what they have learned with others. The four Local Trainer couples from Argentina are planning to begin training a new group of 20 pastor couples from their church body in November of 2025.

Latin America’s first group of trained Local Trainers – Year 1 – Argentina
Anica & Rev. Rony Marquardt, Rev. Andre Muller, President of the Lutheran Church of Uruguay with Rev. Dr. Scott and Lori Rische

We ask for your prayers as we work to expand our training in Latin America in 2025.

Rony specifically asks for the following prayers:

  • The Lutheran churches that are developing the PLI program are going through a pivotal moment as they are completing the four-year program and need to make the necessary decisions so that more leaders will be involved in God’s mission.
  • In the Lutheran Church of Argentina, the church leadership decided that PLI’s international team would train four couples chosen by them to train other groups of pastors, leaders, and wives.
  • Paraguay and Peru conclude the program this year and are evaluating the possibilities of how to train more leaders for God’s mission. Bolivia, Uruguay, and Mexico will have the last conference next year.
  • Thus, all these church and leaders need our prayers and our help, so that they dialogue and decide on the most profitable way to continue training leaders who know God’s vision for the mission of saving people through faith in Jesus.

Contributors: Rika Beckley, Rev. Rony Marquardt, and Sherrah Behrens

*maps made with


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Meet Lindsay Hausch

Meet Lindsay Hausch

Lindsay Hausch is an alumni of both Leadership Essentials and D2MC. She’s also served on the leadership teams for both bilingual Leadership Essentials Learning Communities in Chicago and now in Southern California.

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