Meet Lindsay Hausch

Published: January 13, 2025
Lindsay Hausch

The PLI Experience: Stories from the PLI Family

Lindsay Hausch is an alumni of both Leadership Essentials and D2MC. She’s also served on the leadership teams for both bilingual Leadership Essentials Learning Communities in Chicago and now in Southern California. She is a Bible study writer and loves speaking to groups about growing through God’s Word. Her husband Nathan is a pastor, and they recently moved to San Diego. They have three school-age kids that keep them busy and making new friends in their community.

Why did you decide to do PLI?

My husband made me.

But over time, my perspective changed. I saw that ministry is about my personal gifts, context, and calling. It can look different from the cookie-cutter “pastor’s wife.” I also saw men and women leading together in a balanced and beautiful way that empowered me to see the same in my future.

How did your PLI experience shape you as a follower of Jesus?

I saw how to put my faith into practice in my daily life. I saw how women can lead in their gifts alongside men in a way that honors God and the church. I was better able to identify my gifts and clarify the calling God had been putting on my heart, and I was surrounded by leaders and coaches that encouraged and empowered me.

How did your PLI experience shape you as a leader?

I learned that leadership begins in heart transformation and daily obedience first, and then flows into the people God puts on our path.

What is a take-away from your time in PLI that has stayed with you?

God created men and women to lead together in a way that reflects the image of God. Time for rest, self reflection, and reflection with others is an important rhythm for spiritual growth and transformation.

Share a story of a hope-filled outcome of reaching out into your local context and community. Where do you see God at work?

The Lord has empowered our family to build meaningful relationships with our neighbors that has resulted in God’s kingdom growing! Also, before PLI, I was a stay at home mom who blogged for fun. My time at PLI empowered me to use my stories and gift with words to reach people with the gospel through writing, poetry, and speaking.

What excites you as a trainer/coach? What excites you?

I’ve seen people start to “get” the material we teach, start to live it out, and experience measurable change in their work and community contexts as a result. There are so many great testimonies I’ve gotten to be part of! Most importantly, they go from isolated to feeling connected and empowered.

What is God teaching you right now?

Quiet time is important. God’s will is not my will.


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Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

If you are in that place—a lot of balls in the air and feeling a bit unclear about what to prioritize and do for the sake of the mission of God right where you’re at—consider joining us for PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community! 

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