+1 630-277-9308 info@plileadership.org
Vision vs. Nostalgia

Vision vs. Nostalgia

PLI is marking its 25th anniversary of training leaders to be healthier, better leaders for the sake of the mission of God. God wants His lost people found! And He invites us and His church to be ambassadors of that reconciliation! Sadly, most churches don’t have a...
Meet a Champion for Young Pastors and Spouses

Meet a Champion for Young Pastors and Spouses

Today I want to look at the formation of young pastors and spouses, after three weeks of looking at how two PLI pastors prepared for and finished well, the incredible insights from their spouses about the same adventure, and how to proactively “lead while leaving.”...
Building a Foundation that Will Live On

Building a Foundation that Will Live On

PLI has always placed a high value on a husband and wife learning together. Last week we listened in on the transition to retirement of Pastor Steve Sohns and Pastor Dave Bahn. This week we gain a glimpse of the transition from their wives’ points of view. Meet Ursula...