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5 Truths about Emotional Intelligence

The Senior Leader cohort recently spent a day around Emotional Intelligence as it relates to leading high performing teams. It was an exceptional day!

To be honest, I was taking notes as quickly as I could while wondering about how valuable this could have been for me early in my ministry.

While these 5 truths could apply to any of us, I focused them much more on pastors and spouses in congregations. The reality is that pastors and spouses operate in a space that few people understand.

So, here are the 5 truths related to Emotional Intelligence:

The more leadership responsibility you carry, the more the pressure goes up and the willingness to be vulnerable goes down!

As I reflect, I think of King David…before Nathan.

Awareness is the first step toward changing anything! (Emotional intelligence always begins with self-awareness.)

As I reflect, I think of King David…after Nathan.

We can’t control the world around us, but we can influence the world around us!

As I reflect, I think of the disciples, in Luke 9 and 10, before Easter…after Easter. Before Pentecost…after Pentecost.

As a child of God, we are loved without limit by our Father in heaven…because of whose we are and not what we do!

As I reflect, I think of Peter, after he denied Jesus and then his restoration after Easter.

Don’t let your gifts take you where your character can’t keep you!

As I reflect, I think of the qualifications to be a pastor in the pastoral epistles! Almost all of them reflect character and not a competency.

So, which of the 5 truths stirs you most? Is there anything you should do about that one?

2 Responses

  1. Don Johnson says:

    Good points esp. vulnerability.

  2. Liana says:

    thanks for info

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