Meet Andrea & Jeffrey Howell

Published: November 12, 2024

The PLI Experience: Stories from the PLI Family

Andrea and Rev. Jeffrey P. Howell are Leadership Essentials alumni. They live in Lansing, Illinois, and have been married for 42 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Jeffrey is the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Chicago, Illinois, where he has served 14 for years. As a couple, they found PLI to be extremely beneficial to their marriage, saying, “We’ve grown so much spiritually in doing ministry together. We hold each other accountable with the plans we made together.” 

How did your PLI experience shape you as a follower of Jesus?

It has truly led me to be bold in the purpose God has for me as His child. It has helped me to see there are other opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ with others. We started life groups at our church to give members and others an opportunity, besides Bible study, to speak with one another about life. It has turned out well—the participants do not feel threatened discussing Scripture. And there has been real growth with the women as participation increases each week. A couple of mothers from the school have joined the group. The men have been a little more challenging as we are not getting as much participation, but we are strategizing more ways to encourage the men.

How did your PLI experience shape you as a leader?

It has stretched my limitations as I observed and listened. The support from other participants in my huddle and as a whole group has shown me our challenges are the same. We were able to problem-solve and offer constructive criticism with one another. It was great to receive advice while also giving advice as well.

How as PLI benefitted you as a couple?

I am excited about what being a part of PLI has done with the relationship of my wife and I in regards to ministry. We are a team and we have felt that God continues to give us opportunities for growth together. PLI was a breakthrough for us to do ministry together and not only I lead, but she leads as well. Before, she was hesitant and waiting for me. Now she moves forward with so much confidence! God has shown her she is a leader, able to spread the Gospel not just in singing, which is also her passion, but leading our young people. She has so many ideas that she wants to do with the young people that I have to slow her down and focus on one idea at a time. Now, she is preparing to mentor someone to fit the role she is now doing with our youth.

Share a story of a hope-filled outcome of reaching out into your local context and community. Where do you see God at work? 

My wife and I were able to work as a team to reenergize the youth group which had been dormant over the past years. There is now excitement in the house. We have regular meetings, and we allow the group to plan the year. A presenter came and facilitated as the group strategized and planned outreach/evangelism opportunities. It lets the youth know they are an important part of ministry, and it gives them a voice. They are not just the future, they are the present.

What is God teaching you right now? 

It is important to train others in this ministry, especially the youth. They need to feel they make an impact in this ministry and community. God is using us to help them become viable leaders. 

It is an ongoing task to get them to feel comfortable about leading. Many of our youth have to grow up fast because of their family dynamics. They really don’t get time to be children, so they are not used to leading. We can put them in safe situations to lead by taking one step at a time.  We’ve been allowing them to lead group discussions on a topic that is relevant to them.

What is a take-away from your time in PLI that has stayed with you?

We’ve received fellowship, connection and encouragement from the many participants. It’s held us accountable for the actions we discussed and wanted to accomplish in our ministries.

Why did you decide to do PLI? Why Leadership Essentials?

My District President encouraged me to participate. After looking at the website, and discussing it with my wife, we felt Leadership Essentials would be the best fit for both of us. She liked the idea of fellowship with other pastors’ wives from different communities.

She got exactly that. Andrea says, “I experienced different personalities, nationalities and people of God that serve in a variety of areas in the United States. I see we are the same, trying to have a relationship with our Lord Jesus with reading His Word and prayer. We have also gotten deeper in the Word with our mind, heart and soul.”