Leading for the Sake of God’s Mission

Published: February 10, 2025

Here at PLI, we know that God has placed YOU in places of influence exactly where you are right now. We know that YOU are the kind of leader who can help all God’s people work together in your communities for the sake of the Gospel being proclaimed in the places where you live, work, worship and play. And with some intention and support, you’ll discover how God has created you to disciple others to understand this about themselves, too! 

God is working in the lives of leaders in His church across the U.S.! 

“I am a healthier pastor by learning from other participants’ experiences, especially those whose professional context is different from mine.”

Because the Missio Dei (Mission of God) is carried out in kingdom work throughout all of His creation, we know that every man and woman, girl and boy in the Body of Christ is part of His plan. That’s why it’s always been a core value of PLI that spouses (if married) are encouraged to attend and learn together whenever possible. All participants, single or married, are offered a wide range of opportunities for robust dialogue during the Learning Community.

In Leadership Essentials we increase our understanding and practical application of living out the belief that EVERYTHING that happens in our everyday lives, in the Church and outside, is part of God’s Mission being fulfilled….no matter our paid vocation.

“It’s a joy to see the impact that Leadership Essentials has on ministry spouses who aren’t church workers. PLI honors the way that their primary vocation/leadership context is also part of God’s kingdom work in the world!”

Every believer can be someone who influences others for the sake of the Gospel and God’s mission.

When a leader embodies this in their own life, the example multiplies into an organization and community. Leaders who earn the trust, confidence and respect of the people they lead are radically more effective, and have a significant amount of influence in the lives of others. 

Our hope is that the people you serve will grow more confident in your Christian leadership as a result of your time in Leadership Essentials. We’ll seek to help you increase clarity of purpose and vision, look for where the Holy Spirit is shaping you to be more like Christ, leading with character and competence…all for the sake of God’s mission of sharing Jesus’ love and forgiveness with all people.

As we walk together learning the words and ways of Jesus, He can shape us into trustworthy leaders who move with confidence and garner the respect of those we lead. We are not helpless to continue developing in these areas. Rather, together, we can look to Jesus, model our leadership after His own, encouraging one another along the way.

“The Leadership Essentials process has transformative impact on peoples’ lives, and the hope they receive during the PLI Experience™ is demonstrated in their growth and enthusiasm.”

Here’s what you need to know… 

WHAT? Leadership Essentials offers the time and safe space to learn in community with ministry peers. We provide the biblically-based tools and leadership skills to lead in your own context for the mission of God.

WHO? Whether you’ve served for a few years or a few decades, Leadership Essentials is for you! This Learning Community is specifically designed for pastors and ministry leaders and their spouses (if applicable).

HOW? Leadership Essentials meets for 5 in-person Thursday – Saturday immersions over a 2-year period; monthly online group coaching groups that meet between immersions are an additional component also included in your cohort experience. 

WHEN & WHERE? The next cohort of PLI’s Leadership Essentials Learning Community launches May 1-3, 2025, in Chicago, Illinois. 

COST? $1,750 per immersion. Price includes training and most meals for enrolled participants; travel, lodging and some meals are on your own.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? Schedule a conversation with Raechel to learn more and get started on this journey of discovery and community or check out the Leadership Essentials info sheet

by Jennifer Hein, Leadership Essentials Coaching and Content Leader


Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

If you are in that place—a lot of balls in the air and feeling a bit unclear about what to prioritize and do for the sake of the mission of God right where you’re at—consider joining us for PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community! 

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