Last week, I shared what I hear so often from pastors and ministry leaders—a very real pull toward ministry life within the church, while also wanting to train and release believers into their day-in and day-out relationships with the gospel of Jesus. Both are so necessary! Both are a lot! It can really feel like a juggle… especially if there isn’t a clear direction on where it’s all headed and what to focus on. But here’s the good news:
Once clarity is achieved, both ministry within the church and training and releasing believers can work in tandem.
If you are in that place—a lot of balls in the air and feeling a bit unclear about what to prioritize and do for the sake of the mission of God right where you’re at—consider joining us for PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community!
Here’s some Vision Bridge nuts and bolts… and then reach out to me with your questions or to join us!
WHAT? PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community is a strategic church visioning process with a consulting-in-a-cohort-setting feel. The journey unites the specific needs of your community and the unique group of believers and leaders in your congregation with the timeless mission of God. The result is a 5-7 year vision and strategic plan that provides disciple-making clarity and equips everyone, everywhere, everyday to be on mission.
WHO? Gather a team of up to 5 people, including the Senior Pastor. We recommend a team of 3-5. Involve other pastors and/or key staff, as well as a board member or lay leader. It’s helpful to gather a team who knows the congregation and the community well and can provide insights, feedback and buy-in throughout the process.
HOW? In-person training days and virtual sessions are facilitated by PLI’s Vision Bridge trainers, who are local pastors and church leaders certified in this strategic visioning process. This means they are in the thick of ministry life, just like you, and understand the challenges you’re facing. It is their joy to walk alongside your team toward a clarity of vision and mission that is both actionable and impactful in your church and your local community.
WHEN? September 18-19, 2025, and March 12-13, 2026. The 9-month Vision Bridge experience includes two immersions in person and 8 virtual sessions, which are two hours each.
WHERE? St. Peter Lutheran Church, Arlington Heights, IL (Chicago suburb)
COST? $6000 total, $500 to register and then $2750 due on September 1, 2025, and $2750 due March 1, 2026.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TODAY? Call (630-795-9747) or email Raechel today.
by Raechel Pfotenhauer