Training missional leaders
to reach the lost for Christ worldwide.
Our commitment is to train and develop multiplying missionary leaders all over the world.
As God has promised to do, and in answer to the prayers of His people, He is raising up pastors and leaders for His Church all over the world. Those pastors and leaders want to effectively lead God’s people to work together to make disciples and start evangelistic communities for the sake of fulfilling God’s Mission. Since growing in Christian leadership is a life-long process, pastors and key leaders need leadership learning communities and other experienced Christian leaders who are willing to come alongside them and encourage, equip, and empower them in their missional leadership development.
This is why we provide the training that we do. We believe that through Leadership Essentials training and through an equipped and transformed pastor or key leader, 10s, 100s, and 1000s of baptized believers can be released into and empowered for their participation in the Mission of God, together!
Reach Out and Connect With Us!
Emmanuel Makala
Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia
Rony Marquardt
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay
Scott Rische
Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore
Scott Rische
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Russia
Rony Marquardt
Pastor Leadership Training Approach
Relationships that are built through partnerships, friendship, mutual love, respect, and trust (us with them and them with one another – especially the involvement of couples together). Only proceeding when the local leadership is fully committed to fulfilling all of the partnership responsibilities.
A Christ Mission focus to all of the training. Prayer and Total Dependence on God; seeking His direction and desiring to live out Matthew 6:33. We start with the mission field, not with the church, and develop missionary leaders.
Biblical, quality transformational curriculum and training that is personal and practical, and taught and embodied by experienced, faithful and fruitful leaders that are helping to develop Kingdom Minded, Christ-like, Mission Focused leaders and couples. The curriculum has also been standardized and is followed by all who train and are trained.
The trainings use multiple teaching/learning formats:
· Lecture
· Large and small group discussion
· Personal reflection and writing
· Visuals
· Group exercises
· Q and A
· Peer coaching/discipleship Groups
Partnering with leaders who are highly motivated and willing to use and put into practice what they learn, as well as share what they are learning with others
Follow-through in all we say we will do as PLI. Operating with a Quality Assurance approach based on shared vision, relationships, trust, communication and follow-through. Keeping internal PLI paid staff to a minimum and trusting and waiting on God to raise up committed leaders and partners into whom we can invest. Keeping indigenous training costs to a minimum through localizing training and through local support (manpower and financial).
Hear from our international partners & participants:
In 100 years, we have never had the kind of quality and transformational training that PLI provides. It is unique to anything we have ever seen.
I’m very thankful for the teachings we get from PLI. Pastors are thinking about the mission of God and realizing what they have to do. We’ve been able to plant three more congregations thanks to this training. And others in the training are planting new congregations and showing people the way of God. If these evangelists get this PLI training, I believe their ministry will flourish because they’ll have the ability to evangelize people in their local communities. Many people will be invited to Christ.
I personally have been blessed and better understand my role in accomplishing God’s mission. PLI helped me define my life purpose for my family, my community, my local church and my life. After the first year, I’m more motivated to continue because I’m seeing results in my ministry.
The PLI materials that spoke about missional communities inspired me to think about how to establish these in my communities. I saw people in my district who were eager to preach but needed training, so they registered for our program to learn how to disciple others. We conducted classes and had 25 who were trained. In a period of two years, we planted five new churches. One has almost 200 members, another 200+. We learned how to develop leaders that could go and make disciples.
“In 2024, PLI trained over 17,000 leaders in 30 different countries and expects to train at least this amount in 2025. That growth is due in large part to our unique pastor leadership training approach and values specific to the local context.”
In case you need it, we’ve provided the above information in a convenient easily downloadable pdf format (both in English and Spanish) so that you can provide a summary to others in your church leadership.
Connect with us to discover which Learning Community best suits your needs.

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