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Read the latest blog post from the PLI team.

Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

Answering Your Vision Bridge Questions

If you are in that place—a lot of balls in the air and feeling a bit unclear about what to prioritize and do for the sake of the mission of God right where you’re at—consider joining us for PLI’s Vision Bridge Learning Community! 

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Meet Lindsay Hausch

Meet Lindsay Hausch

Lindsay Hausch is an alumni of both Leadership Essentials and D2MC. She’s also served on the leadership teams for both bilingual Leadership Essentials Learning Communities in Chicago and now in Southern California.

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Meet Michael Eckelkamp

Meet Michael Eckelkamp

Rev. Michael Eckelkamp and his wife Bernardine have been involved in PLI in a variety of ways, from participating in Leadership Essentials and Senior Leader, to coaching, mentoring, hosting immersions, and raising funds for hosting.

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Meet Rosy Martinez

Meet Rosy Martinez

Rosy Martinez and her husband, pastor Luis Martinez, are current participants in our bilingual Leadership Essentials SoCal. She and Luis live in Spring, Texas, where she serves as a deaconess.

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Meet Andrea & Jeffrey Howell

Meet Andrea & Jeffrey Howell

Andrea and Rev. Jeffrey P. Howell are Leadership Essentials alumni. They live in Lansing, Illinois, and have been married for 42 years. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Jeffrey is the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Chicago, Illinois, where he has served 14 for years.

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Meet Tim Bayer

Meet Tim Bayer

Rev. Tim Bayer and his wife Beth are alumni of both D2MC and Senior Leader. With their three children, they make their home in Tacoma, Washington, where Tim serves as lead pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church.

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Meet Kristi & Terry Baughman

Meet Kristi & Terry Baughman

Kristi and Rev. Terry Baughman are Leadership Essentials alumni. They live in Lake Orion, Michigan, where Terry is pastor at Crown of Life Lutheran Church and Preschool and Kristi is principal at Lutheran High School Northwest.

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You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

If you find yourself in the midst of all sorts of change and you’re being called on to lead a group of people through some changes, it’s really important not to remain alone.

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