+1 630-277-9308 info@plileadership.org


Senior and executive level ministry leaders require a more robust skillset to lead with impact and influence.

Ministry organizations are complex; there is the ministry side and the administrative side.  The needs of each require a different knowledge base and approach.   Yet you, as the senior leader, are expected to have all the required elements of leadership at your fingertips and exhibit equal skill, compassion, and balance in all areas.  Not easy, and certainly not an inherited skill set.

PLI’s Senior Leader training is designed for more experienced pastors, ministry and faith-based non-profit leaders, as well as those preparing for a senior role.  Those who require a more robust set of tools to aid in meeting the myriad of demands and nuanced needs that are inherent in meeting the demands of your role.

We deliver those leadership elements to enhance your existing skills, gain in areas that are not a strength, and also grow in areas you may not have considered.  Critical skills and elements such as:

Strategic Thinking

Learn why Strategy is so critical to discerning the direction with your ministry organization.

Resourcing Needs

Learn to find the essential resources you need whether financial, human, time, or space.

Adaptive Leadership

Effectively adapt to social, economic and cultural shifts.

Cultivate Governance

Learn to cultivate strong, healthy governance.

Vision Creation

Learn not only how to create vision, but to communicate, and sustain it to realize God’s vision for your context.

Building Teams

Build strong & effective teams, optimal hiring and staff engagement practices.

In a friendly setting alongside your peers, learning from the wisdom within PLI as well as ministry-related subject matter experts and professionals outside of the PLI organization.  You’ll finish with the practical ability to successfully resource, navigate, and manage your church or organization with grace, influence and impact.

Our Participants Say It Best…

PLI Senior Leader provided an opportunity for me to grow in my leadership, clarify my vision and recalibrate my perspective on ministry. It was especially beneficial to be there alongside two other members of our leadership team, where we could process, debrief and develop our next steps together. The content, encouragement and collaboration we experienced became a springboard for the next season of ministry and vision before us!

Brian Booth

Executive Director, Unity Christian School

PLI has given us the space to process and think about how God’s leading us in our ministry. We have time for intentional conversations and practical skills that we’ve been able to put to use.  One of our PLI sessions that comes to mind is where we talked about adaptive leadership. The whole idea was being able to lead in the middle of changing times. It’s been incredibly helpful. We look back and see how God gave us those skills we can put into practice now.

Rev. Todd Liefer

Associate Pastor, Hales Corner Church

One of the things I loved about Senior Leader was its emphasis on practical skills development, especially in the areas of goal setting, task management, and strategic planning… PLI helps fill in that key learning gap

Rev. Nick Price

Site Pastor, Trinity Lutheran

We have been running hard after Covid to rebuild…and the rate was unsustainable. Our time at Senior Leader brought clarity to my role/giftedness and what team I need around me. I realigned my commitments and priorities. I have raised new leaders into ministry. My church leadership affirmed the clarity, strategy, and action steps. We are all working together on it. We’re not stuck. We have new energy and God is making a way.

Rev. Jason Scheler

Senior Pastor, Hope on the Beach Church

Our Senior Leader training consists of…

  • 18-month Learning Community.
  • 4 immersions, one every 6 months, with each lasting four days.
  • 6 total executive-level group coaching sessions, two in between each immersion.
  • Each immersion is held in a different city, to provide exposure to other ministries and time away from your daily context.

You can begin your leadership development training in Senior Leader with any of the four immersions.  The immersions are not sequential.

Unfortunately however, Senior Leader is not offered as one-off training events and does require the full 18-month commitment.

Details of Senior Leader


The tuition cost is $1,750 per immersion – this includes your spouse.


Reserve your spot with a non-refundable $200 registration fee.


Travel, lodging, and meals are not included.

Upcoming Events

In case you need it, we’ve provided the above information in a convenient easily downloadable pdf format (both in English and Spanish) so that you can provide a summary to others in your church leadership.

Senior Leader Pastoral Learning Community in English
Fact sheet for PLI's Senior Leader Learning Community

Connect with us to discover which Learning Community best suits your needs.

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