+1 630-277-9308 info@plileadership.org

This is NOT a conference.
This is transformational Christian ministry leadership development.

Immersive leadership development for pastors and ministry leaders, and their spouses to lead out the mission of God with grace, joy, influence, and impact, specific to your unique context.

Immersive Ministry Leadership Training

PLI’s immersive ministry leadership training is far more than just a conference. It is transformational ministry leadership development designed and delivered to give you the tools and skills to build healthy relationships, lead with influence and impact, effectively navigate change, and reignite your passion for your ministry. 

several men seated at a table taking notes as they listen to an instructor

Our Goal Is Simple.  Deliver…


Skills to develop and maintain healthy relationships within your specific context; your family, your congregation, and your community, to build God’s kingdom.


Tools to lead and manage well with greater influence and impact within your church.


Hope and courage moving forward to lead from your strengths.


Ability to navigate, adapt, and lead change in this post-christendom era.


Ready leaders and organizations for multiplying discipleship.


A reignited passion for your ministry calling to shepherd and disciple your congregation or organization to live out their faith in pursuit of God’s mission.

Their Story is Our Story…

PLI gave me a vision of what it looks like as a woman to lead alongside my husband and the tools I needed to identify the opportunities God was inviting me into. The coaching was invaluable in giving me encouragement and accountability. My life and ministry are different as a result of PLI!

Lindsay Hausch

Speaker & Author

Having accepted the call to Our Redeemer a year prior, I wanted to pursue leadership development that would equip me for the new opportunities and challenges. My District President told me about district assistance available for this program (PLI) that would equip both me AND the congregation for ministry in a new era. How grateful I’ve been as this new era’s been amplified to a whole new level!

Patrick (and Kari) Rooney

Pastor, Our Redeemer Church

Growing up and jumping into pastoral ministry in the “Roaring ’90s” has bigger and better very much ingrained in my mindset. What I consistently heard through PLI and have become convinced of is that we need to learn from Jesus’ model. Large groups matter, but life change and transformation typically happens in more intimate gatherings. I need to prioritize individual and small-group relationships.

Dave Hall

Pastor, Joy Lutheran Church

PLI has changed how I view and do ministry in so many ways. Specifically, I have been able to apply the skills and information learned in how our church focuses on ministry and serving the Kingdom of God. It has led me to a different view of the challenges and situations that I have had to face as a sole pastor with the in-depth immersions and the monthly small group follow-ups. It is a privilege to walk through the good and the stresses to build up the Kingdom of God. It has also been a huge benefit to take this journey with my wife so that we can grow together through the process. It is so evident how the hand of God is at work in all things.

Terry Baughman

Pastor, Crown of Life Church & Preschool

Biblically based, Immersive in experience, Focused on You!

Our biblically-based leadership training occurs in a community of your peers (Learning Communities), and is intentionally designed to be an immersive experience, and delivered to enable you to take what you’ve learned, create actionable plans, and incorporate them back into your daily rhythms, which is then supported by our coaching in between each “immersion.”   

For 25 years, PLI has brought hope and leadership training to thousands of pastors and ministry leaders, and their spouses across the United States. Our proven ministry leadership training structure and process ensures successful integration and retention specific to your own family, community, and ministry context.

Find Your Focus

Whether you’re new to your ministry role, a more seasoned leader, or a young lay-person seeking your role in His kingdom, PLI offers leadership development training to help you become the leader that God created you to be!


Lead dynamically for the sake of Jesus’ mission.
Ministry couples learn together as they explore the core building blocks of leadership development.
Because it matters what you build on.


As the executive leader you need advanced leadership skills to lead with grace, influence, and impact. This Learning Community will help you find more energy to lead, learn to build powerful teams and healthy governance, resource needs, and create a vibrant organization with a sustainable vision. 

Vision bridge

Because the future of your church matters to the future of your community, create a clearly defined vision centered on the mission of God in your unique setting. Bring together a strong discipleship focus with a church strategic visioning process.

Connect with us to discover which Learning Community best suits your needs.

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