Our Statement of Faith
In The Beginning
Genesis 1:26-31
There was an unhindered relationship between God and humanity. Perfect relationships existed where there was no sin to impede life or interaction with each other or our good and loving Creator.
But humans wanted what was outside what God designed
Genesis 3, Romans 1:25, 1 John 1:8-10
Even while in perfect harmony with God and His creation. And ever since the fall into sin, humans, in our sinfulness, have been wanting to go outside God’s design for life. Sin separates us from God and each other and distorts God’s design for life and relationships and purpose.
God overcomes all of humanity’s distortions
Romans 5:8, 1 John 5:4, 1 Corinthians 15:57
Which is what makes the gift of Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross that much more amazing. God sent His Son for you, to forgive you and reconnect you with the Father. “For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) His victory in His death and resurrection gives new life and the power to lead IN the world, while not being OF the world. And that is why God invites you to be set apart for His purpose – His mission.
How great is the Father’s heart for us
2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 5:2
That even while we are still sinners, the Lord restores that perfect relationship between God and humanity, and invites us into His mission to bring that restoration to the world.
The Father’s heart for leaders
There’s a reason why God seems to choose the powerless and unlikely to lead and multiply His Kingdom in the world.
- Abraham and Sarah – childless and full of doubt turned parents of a nation.
- Joseph – disowned, forgotten brother and slave turned wise governor of Egypt.
- Jacob – second-born, schemer, liar, thief turned father of Israel.
- Moses – the Hebrew/Egyptian, murderer, outcast lacking eloquent words turned leader of the Exodus.
- Esther – young and unlikely turned queen.
- Ruth – a foreigner dealing with loss/grief turned ancestor of Jesus.
- Peter – the abrupt and emotionally reactive turned rock and fearless proclaimer.
- Tabitha – seamstress who was raised to life turned leader of charities for the poor.
- Saul > Paul – murderer, chief of all sinners turned church planter and writer of New Testament letters.
God has a heart to bring His Kingdom to the world through people just like you, to lead His mission right where you are and with those around you.
The role of leaders like you
Ephesians 2:8-10, Colossians 1:15-20
God has not made a mistake in placing you where you are right now. He is at work, shaping you and sharing His beautiful grace through you. The Holy Spirit walks with you as you lead, and gives you everything you need. Your leadership resides under the grace of Jesus, the head of the Church.
We hope you will experience these beliefs lived out in PLI as:
- You will be trained in biblical leadership in service to Christ and His mission.
- You will be joined in community with other Christ-centered, yet imperfect leaders who desire, like you, to be more aligned with God’s design for mission and ministry, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- You will experience a renewing of your calling and clarity as the Holy Spirit pours into the way you live and lead in your relationships and organizations.
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