+1 630-277-9308 info@plileadership.org


If married, your spouse participates with you, receiving an investment in their leadership as a unique child of God to share with you in the Mission of God.

When a pastor or other ministry leader looks to PLI for leadership training, one thing they notice is our warm invitation and encouragement to include their spouse if they are married. This often creates a pause. “My spouse?” they ask, “Why invite my spouse?”

That’s a really good question!

And, here’s how we answer. We at PLI, from our very first leadership training through today, and around the entire globe, place high value on women and men learning together. That means for ministry leaders who are married, it matters to us that both husband and wife have the opportunity to learn and grow together through our training.

And so we emphatically respond, “yes, your spouse!” You see, whether your spouse is in an active ministry role, and/or they have distinct responsibilities within or outside the home, your ministry impacts your spouse.

Investing in your marriage – just for who each of you are as gifted children of God – strengthens your marriage, brings joy, and clarifies how you will be a family “in ministry” together, in a way that is unique and honoring to you both and your marriage.

The ministry marriage relationship is unique. Your role impacts all those around you and none more so than your spouse… again, regardless of their engagement in ministry life.

What should your husband or wife expect when they join you for PLI training and coaching? They’ll receive an investment in their own leadership (not opportunities for entertainment or side excursions) for their own as well as your joint context. From start to finish, right alongside you, your spouse will receive the PLI Experience.

The Benefits When Your Spouse Joins You Are Tremendous! 

  • You gain clarity and a renewed awareness and appreciation of the unique way God has gifted and wired you both as individuals, which provides direction for your own lives, your marriage, your relationships, and your ministry.
  • You both receive the refreshment of time away to learn, grow, and be invested in as a couple.
  • You both share in the experience and supportive community by being with other ministry leaders.
  • You both gain practical biblical principles to apply in your lives, relationships, and roles.
  • You both receive a deeper understanding of the weight each of you carry due to your role. Yes, your spouse feels and carries both the joys and burdens with you.
  • Your spouse learns that they are a leader in His kingdom, with influence in their own unique context.

  • You both grow in mutual understanding of the calling God has on your lives together.

Your Marriage Relationship Is Blessed!

PLI has been such a blessing to Katie and I… PLI is the first to help me understand ministry as a team with my wife… this program and the discipleship laid out had done more for relationships than many of the ‘marriage seminars’ that I’ve been to or studied.  I’m so passionate because I’ve seen the impact of having the wives included first hand and watched friends who are in coaching networks where wives are not included and how it alienates the marriage instead of unites it. 

Kelly Huet

Pastor, Prince of Peace

It has also been a huge benefit to take this journey with my wife so that we can grow together through the process. It is so evident how the hand of God is at work in all things.

Terry & Kristy Baughman

Pastor, Crown of Life Church & Preschool

Our biggest breakthrough has been focusing on being a family on mission and finding opportunities to develop relationships in the natural rhythms of life. Rather than sacrificing family for mission, or sacrificing mission for family, we are finding ways to do it together.

Emil & Heather Gretarsson

Pastor, Open Arms Church

Heidi’s quote, Leadership Essentials reminded me that my first and foremost God-given mission is to my young family and my spouse. Leadership Essentials gave me both the permission to focus on us and the tools and community mentorship/coaching for encouragement.

Tyson & Heidi Bentz

Pastor, St. Peter's Church

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