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PLI is devoted to empowering leaders for wider influence for the sake of the gospel in their communities and effective leadership in their ministries. Learn more about our vision and process here.


Life is better connected. Connect with others to experience life-giving community and build authentic relationships. We have several learning communities. Find the best fit for you.


We provide a number of resources and materials to educate both our participants and the general public on effective leadership principles.


Interested in how PLI can impact your ministry? We'd love to get to know you and learn how we can empower your ministry.

Urgent? Or Important?

Parish ministry for me was always punctuated with the urgent and the important. It was an easy call for me. It was the so called “tyranny of the urgent” that was also unimportant that was a perpetual discipline.

BUT, my ability to make the important but not urgent a priority was always critical!

I sometimes did it well, and sometimes, not so well.

What about you?

Ministry leaders today are constantly at risk of mistaking activity for impact. A lot of current activity can masquerade in the mind as having long-term impact.

But activity is a cousin of urgent and unimportant.

Impact is married to important…whether it’s urgent or not.

So, take a simple evaluation. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being “best”:.

  1. I consistently focus on the important whether it is urgent or not.
  2. I can clearly distinguish what’s important and what’s not important.
  3. I desire long-term impact in my life and/or ministry and not simply managing activity.
  4. I could easily make a list of what I regard as important.
  5. I need to make some changes.

How did you do? Where do you need to make some changes?

Leadership Essentials provides a safe place for women and men to discover and implement the building blocks of godly leadership. These women and men recognize that gentle yet courageous leadership is needed to align people and processes around the fulfillment of the Mission of God.

To lead others well we must first lead ourselves well. Leadership Essentials helps participants grow in leadership and influence in whatever context they find themselves.

And finally, your generous gift today makes an important contribution in the life and leadership of couples and the ministries they lead.

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